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          This photo of Che Guevara is the most significant primary source from the Cuban Revolution. This photo is the most significant primary source from the Cuban revolution because it shows, arguably, the most well know Cuban revolution, revolutionary, Che Guevara. Che Guevara has become the most well known revolutionary, even surpassing Fidel Castro, many people wear shirts with his face on it and a movie about Che's life is in the works. Furthermore, this photo has become a staple for revolutions all over the world. People all over the world wear shirts with Che Guevara's likeliness on it, hold up banners with his face on it while protesting and even incite revolutions with this photo. Finally, this photo has become the most recognizable primary source from the cuban revolution. It is used in the media as somewhat of a logo for this revolution. In conclusion, a photo that can incite revolutions is with out a doubt the most significant primary source from the Cuban revolution.

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